Resources for a Lutheran Education



Resources are linked below for the many options we have in the LCMS to educate our children in the faith. 

Educating our Children - The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s School Ministry assists, equips and uplifts school educators, district staff, and especially education executives and congregational leaders so that through them children may be equipped as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Evansville Lutheran School
Evansville Lutheran School continues the tradition of Lutheran education in Evansville that started in 1845. The school is here to provide a Christian education for our children and the children of the Evansville community. The current Lutheran School Association consists of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. The association was formed for the purpose of aiding Christian parents in providing the highest quality Christ-centered education possible by doing the following:
Provide a comprehensive Christian education.
Nurture students in God's word.
Develop Christian living.
Promote their faith, talent, and skills

Concordia University System - The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (
Recently a supporter of Lutheran higher education commented, “The Concordia University System is one of the most powerful and far-reaching tools the Lord of the Church has given The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to take the Good News of life in Jesus Christ to a world desperately in need of hearing and believing in Him, through professional church workers and those trained for other service in our communities.”

CCLE – Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education
"The liberal arts can equip a child for effective service in the world; catechesis can equip a child for everlasting life." 
- Gene Edward Veith
The Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education partners with Classical Lutheran schools, teachers, administrators, and homeschool families. The CCLE provides support, educational resources and a forum of ongoing discussion, communication, and growth of Classical Lutheran Education movement. 
Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide: Scripture Alone by Grace Alone through Faith Alone. These were the Reformation pillars of Martin Luther. Luther once said, “Parents can provide their children with no greater gift than an education in the liberal arts.” The goal of the CCLE is to give every family the opportunity and tools to follow Luther’s advice. The CCLE encourages and serves families, teachers, and schools working to restore the Classical arts of learning and the best traditions of Lutheran Education.

Home Schooling - Making Disciples for Life (
Homeschooling is another option for parents/guardians to consider for the education of their children. For families selecting this option, schooling for their children occurs outside of the public or private school environment. Families work with a flexible schedule to meet the needs of their children and use rich resources available in their environment, community and through interactions with other families who homeschool enabling them to provide an excellent education for their children incorporating family values and religious education.

Welcome to Wittenberg Academy
The goal of a classical Lutheran education is, in so few words, to educate children for life in this world and the next: catechesis to stay alive, liberal arts to be of some earthly good: the Liberal Arts plus catechesis for the benefit of Church and Society.

Cheryl Swope Simply Classical ( and Simply Classical Curriculum for Special Needs - Memoria Press
Cheryl specializes in creating support for classical education, special needs, parenting, faith.
